Announcement Date: February 5, 2015
Paul Roblin on Dobson et al’s Lancet Tamiflu reanalysis: an independent review group. Really?
Repsosted from and
On 30.1.15 the Lancet published a re-analysis of Oseltamavir effects in symptomatic influenza like illness “Oseltamivir treatment for influenza in adults: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials”. This trial was authored by Joanna Dobson, Richard J Whitley, Stuart Pocock, Arnold S Monto.
The lancet supplemented this re-analysis with an article by Heath Kelly and Benjamin Cowling entitled “Influenza: the rational use of oseltamivir”
The Kelly and Cowling article claims that the re-analysis was done by an independent research group. I am concerned that not all relevant links of the authors of the Dobson Lancet paper have been sufficiently declared. The competing interests are very vaguely presented, omitting key facts
The Dobson paper contains the following:
Page 9 of the paper has the text below
JD did the statistical analyses and prepared data tables and figures. All authors contributed to writing of the manuscript and made substantial contributions to conception and design of the study, and analysis and interpretation of data.
Declaration of interests
ASM reports fees from Biocryst and Roche outside of the submitted work. RJW reports fees as a board member of Gilead Sciences, funding for travel from Roche to attend an Influenza Resistance Committee meeting, and fees as Associate Editor of the Journal of Infectious Diseases. JD and SP declare no competing interests.
This study was funded by the Multiparty Group for Advice on Science (MUGAS) Foundation through an unrestricted grant from Roche Pharmaceuticals. Neither party had a role in analysis, interpretation, reporting or the decision to submit for publication. We thank Roche for providing the data and answering data specific queries.
Page 4 of the paper has the text below
Role of the funding source
The meta-analysis was funded by the Multiparty Group for Advice on Science (MUGAS) who assembled a multidisciplinary team to examine the overall data from trials of oseltamivir in adults. The team agreed an individual patient data analysis was the most robust approach, and to cover the costs the MUGAS Board applied for an unrestricted grant from Roche. This unrestricted grant stipulates that Roche would not be involved in the actual review process in any way other than providing the requested data dictionaries and datasets. The results were not shared with Roche until the analysis was completed. The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine received a grant from MUGAS to partly fund Joanna Dobson’s salary while she worked on this project. No other monies were received by any of the authors.
I have looked into the biographies of the authors and found the following
- Prof Richard J Whitley is a paediatrician interested in viruses and works with/for CDC
His declaration given above seems inadequate.
The relevance of the reference to Gilead is that Gilead Science holds the patent for Tamiflu and this should be explicitly stated
Should something like this not be declared in the Lancet paper?
Gilead directors are listed HERE
Whitley joined Gilead’s Board of Directors in 2008.
- Prof Arnold Monto
He reports fees from Biocryst and Roche outside of the submitted work but also received about 41,000 US $ he got from GSK in 2009-13.
See list HERE
GSK produces Relenza the other antiviral product advocated for flu
- Ms Joanna Dobson
Her publications can be found HERE
There are 10 since 2010 but not a single one on influenza, not a single first authored and not a single systematic review
This raises the question of what qualifies Dr Dobson to be the lead author on such a paper
- Prof Stuart Pocock
He has expertise in statistical methods and clinical trials and describes his clinical area as being CV disease.
Statisticians can only deal with the information given to them by others
There are further issues about the trial being funded by MUGAS
Comment about MUGAS (see block of text below)
In 2013, Roche announced that in the interests of transparency it would supply any data requested by what it described as a “third party group”, the Multiparty Group for Advice in Science (MUGAS).
In fact, while the name might lead you to imagine an independent body bringing together representatives of a number of organisations to consider a range of issues (rather like All-Party Groups in the UK Parliament), MUGAS is funded by Roche and is led by four scientists, three of whom are advisers to Roche. It appears to have been set up specifically as part of the attempt to counter the Cochrane’s criticisms.
Another organisation involved is European Scientists Working on Influenza (ESWI). On their websites, MUGAS and ESWI give as their point of contact the same mobile telephone number in Belgium [13, 14]. The name MUGAS is a registered trademark of Semiotics, a company that describes its mission as “translating science to the world,” but whose actual activity seems mostly to be concerned with influenza and in particular oseltamivir [15].
Details of Semiotics
Both MUGAS and ESWI are brands of Semiotics
See also Semiotics Mind Map
We need to know a lot more about how Semiotics, MUGAS and ESWI are funded and who influences what they say and do.